Wednesday, May 14, 2014

My Film

I took a lot of videos while in Hawaii, because I wanted to always be able to look back at those precious days. After the first day of filming on my cell phone, I decided that it would be pretty cool if I put them together in a long video. I want to do a documentary.

As we know, I'm a dreamer. So, this seemed like one of those projects that I usually come up with only to throw it away right after beginning. But, I have stuck with this. I really want to finish.

I've started to expand. I have the videos that I took in Hawaii. I've added photos from my childhood up to adulthood, up to the most recent ones I have taken. I started recording myself. I talk about all different aspects of my life. I sent emails to my families with questions and prompts. They are going to take videos of themselves and I want to use excerpts of them in my film. I can't wait! It's been one of the hardest projects, but the most rewarding. I have laughed while looking back at my childhood and I have cried. It's so amazing to experience this!

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